I made this giftbag for my grandson's Christening. I couldn't find any wallpaper that I liked, so I scanned the bag, reduced it slightly then printed it for walllpaper. It still needed something so I made the ceiling & chair rail border using the Lennon animal design and added blue trim. I also printed the gingham design and the animal design on fabric for the crib skirt and sheet, bumper pads, and window valance. The quilt hanging over the edge of the crib is the identical to the one in my grandaughter's nursery bag. I glued it to a thin piece of felt and quilted the lines of stitching with the sewing machine to give it the quilted "look."
I decided to do something a bit different in this giftbag by adding a window with a scene behind the window. I made up a certificate of Christening that hangs on the right wall. The quilt hanging on the back of the rocker is a duplicate of a real-size quilt I quilted for him that was pieced by my friend, Ann Hubbard. I took a picture of the real quilt and printed it on fabric.
My husband made the mobile that mimics the Lennon mobile. In the crib there is a pacifier and a Baby Book with Jaden's picture.
The birth announcement is a reduction of one I cross stitched (8" x 10") for his room. I scanned the finished stitching and printed it on fabric. The photos include wedding pictures of my son and his wife (one with both sets of parents), a picture of the young family taken at Christmas before Jaden's birth, his sister, and his sister giving him a hug at the hospital when he was born.
The cats in Jaden's room represent Jocko & Oscar, the cats in the family. I had to repaint the cats somewhat. I couldn't find a black lab to represent Hershey, their dog, so she will have to be added later. The Kindergarten Blocks in the open box are shapes cut from colored "fun foam." I made the design on the lid of the box with the computer.
Top view of the giftbag.
The table holds two gifts in addition to baby powder, a rattle & bottle, and a child's book on the shelf. There are lots of toys in his room--gotta spoil this baby boy. His hospital picture is on the top shelf, next to a tiny bear. There are several bears in his room (the quilt on the rocker has bears on it, too).