1/4" Scale "Lauren" House Designed by Fred & Carolyn Stepenson
Fred & Carolyn Stephenson taught this house at the Gateway Miniature Fair Show & Sale in October of 2010. I didn't take the class, but I bought the kit. My husband electrified it for me using LEDs. I had problems with getting the house together. For instance, I flipped the second floor and then the staircase was in the wrong place. Then, when I put the second floor room dividers in, they weren't in the right place. But with my husband's assistance, we got it more or less together.

I made the kitchen furniture at a class taught by Kate N Mary at the show (except for the chairs. They are from the brown plastic furniture in the bubble pack. The bathroom is also from the BPF. All the other furniture (including the fireplace) was a 1/4" kit from d. Anne Ruff that I bought at the show from Tiny-Tiques. The anirons, the fireplace tools, and the log basket was from Linda Groesch. The little table lights were from TEK and the lampshade are Chrysnbon cups with the handle removed and earring backs. The floor lamp in the living room was a gift from Judy Weigand and I painted it to go with the rest of the furniture.
I made the living room rug that Anna-Carin Betzen had a pattern for on her website: http://www.btz.se/minis/DIY/index_needlepoint.php - for free. I made pillows on the couch and chair by petitipoint using the colors from the rug.
The pot on the stove, and the teapot on the sink is by Ron Palmer. The cake on the table was made by Jan McCandliss, Jan Be Nimble. The cherry rug was a pattern that I got from the internet.
The bedroom furrniture was also in the kit from d. Anne Ruff kit. I made pillows and the rug in the bedroom. The shoes are from Kate N Mary. There was a white chair with a green pillow in it, but I lost it. If it shows up, it will go where the brown shoes are.
Once the house was finished, I landscaped it.